Friday, June 12, 2009


Personally, this old-fashioned blog page makes more sense to me than does Facebook, but it looks like we've all abandoned it.


Adam and Shala said...

Forgotten or abandoned? I guess that's still to be decided. I check it periodically, but for some reason I find it more difficult to post something on the blog than updating my status or sharing some photos on Facebook. Facebook groups can be helpful, but it hasn't worked for our immediate family either.

Kevin said...

I just came here to post (you'll see it in a minute), but I think we ought to try and maintain it still. It makes more sense to me than Facebook, which I just haven't had time for lately either.

Robert said...

I'm with Kevin. I gave Facebook a try, added friends, began to regret seeing what some marginal acquaintances were up to, and eventually concludex it wasn't for me. What I'm doing at any given moment just doesn't matter to folks, and it really doesn't encourage discussion. I went back yesterday to refer to an old photo post, and its gone. Just don't get Facebook.