Our grandfather, Heber Nephi Folkman, survived the Galveston, TX 1900 hurricane, but jhis close adventures with danger were not through.
A couple of years after returning from his mission, living in Ogden, Utah, he was out on a date with our future grandmother, Kathryn Nelia King, and got into a tussle with his team of horses that landed him in the Ogden Standard Examiner for August 4, 1905. I've attached the clip here, but it may not be too readable.
Here is the text: "Heber Folkman, a barber, was painfully but not seriously injured at Plain City, Tuesday evening, by being knocked over and trampled by a team of horses that became frightened while he was untying them preparatory to returning to the city. A young lady, who was in the buggy at the time of the accident, fell into a faint from which she was not revived for several hours.
It appears that Folkman and the lady after being out driving for some time decided to call upon Mr. Folkman's brother, who lives at Plain City. At the conclusion of the visit while Folkman was in the act of untying the horses and after he had assisted the lady into the carriage, the horses became frightened and in plunging forward struck the man with their feet knocking him to the ground where they trampled upon him.
The screams of the woman, who became thoroughly frightened, attracted the attention of some pedestrians who were near by and they rushed to Folkman's aid. Folkman was still beneath the horses, from which position he was rescued.
After the injured man had been made as comfortable as possible a physician was telephoned for. Upon the doctor's arrival a hasty examination revealed a dislocated shoulder, a fracture of the wrist, and a number of minor injuries, which, though painful, are not considered of a serious nature. Aside from a bad fright the lady was none the worse for her experience in the buggy."
Things apparently all turned out well, as just about 9 weeks later, Heber Folkman and Kathryn King were married on October 5, 1905, and later moved to Jerome, Idaho, where Dad was born and raised.
Kevin, how did you find that? I had recently found it as well, but hadn't thought to post it.
I guess you're using the Utah newspapers index, a fairly new resource. In your looking through those files, have you discovered Brig Folkman, the bartender at an infamous Ogden saloon?
This got sent to me by the grad student who has a copy of HNF's missionary Journal. He also, it turns out, sent me the copy of the letter that HNF and his companions sent to the Deseret News, along with a newspaper clipping of HNF's missionary homecoming. I'll post that in a day or two.
And no, I haven't seen Brig Folkman, so I'll probably go look at that.
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